Happix is a Dutch company for photographers. I got the offer to work there As a Full-stack Web Developer. From the first day i started working there i loved it and still do! I loved programming small projects on my own before i worked there and always wondered how it would be like to work in a team. And i can tell you its amazing! i learn new things everyday so i keep developing myself, which is really nice The website/platform is all about photographers and their customers. We think making people emotional trough pictures is amazing.
I made a little To-Do list for myself as small project. You are able to add a task with a deadline date and it would place the task in the todo list There was an option to delete the task from the list and to add the task to the clompleted list. If your task is still in the todo list it will keep track of the deadline date, and check if the current date surpassed the deadline date.